Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New Year.........Even More Magic and Fun!

So how much time do you enjoy the things that give you PLEASURE? If you're like most you've done plenty for others over the years and didn't carve out much fun just for you!

Here's a new way to look at 2018, "in order to change the output I must change the input". Making the time for YOU and investing more of it with your miniature world is healthy....look at it as your own personal therapist and the big difference is you're in control and can visit any time you allow yourself to not sweat the small stuff in your life.

I'm living proof of it, I decided to fully remodel one of my larger doll houses and I'm having a ball creating a new environment for my miniature friends. In fact we had a party not long ago to celebrate Burns night in my remodel....check it out:

It’s Burns night in the doll house. The miniature beings who live there love any reason to celebrate and Burns night is one of their favorites. 

They toast The Bard with a wee dram of whiskey and partake of a lovely haggis! 

It is a wonderful way to keep out the cold of a winters evening and enjoy the beautiful words of himself Robert Burns. As they gather together you can hear them say, “Sla’inte mhath! 

Therapy.....yes sir, it's a grand way to escape from the day to day stuff we all get stuck in at times and to let the fantasy come back into our life, even if only for short bursts of time. My doll houses are one of the things that keep me grounded so I still see my craft as a labor of love, something I look forward to doing and sharing with other artists and collectors the world over.

So take a break to explore what makes you feel like a kid again...could be that dropping in on my Etsy Shop  will give  you that feeling of fantasy. I always have the kettle on and would be delighted to share a proper cup a tea with you!

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Here's to doing what you love....and to treating yourself special!


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